Maple Vanilla Sweet Potato Nice Cream

Maple Vanilla Sweet Potato Nice Cream

Nice cream has become one of my favorite treats to enjoy while following a plant-based diet. And with us being in the heart of the holidays I thought I would share my new favorite nice cream recipe as a part of my holiday recipes! Growing up I was known to go back for seconds and thirds when the ice cream was brought out and would proceed to spend the rest of the night feeling bloated, wishing I would have passed on the ice cream. I just wish I would have known sooner that I could enjoy the creamy deliciousness of ice cream without the incredible amount of fat and regret that so often accompanies it!

When I discovered nice cream I was still skeptical thinking that it was nothing more than a dream to have a healthy fruit or starch-based frozen treat taste anything like the ice creams I grew up eating. But then I thought why not make ice cream using my favorite food, the sweet potato! And with some ingenuity, I was able to find some flavors and combinations of nice cream that have been a hit for my friends, family, and whole dinner parties! Today’s nice cream recipe is made with sweet potatoes as the base. I have cooked sweet potatoes using my InstantPot recipe. I then peel and cube the cooked sweet potatoes before I freeze them overnight or for at least 5-6 hours. I have a ton of other nice cream recipes on my site if you want to head over and check them out.

I really enjoy adding different variations of spices to my nice creams, so feel free to get creative and if you go ahead and give this recipe a try let me know what you think and share a picture on my Instagram and Facebook page of how it turned out for you.


Maple Vanilla Sweet Potato Nice Cream

  • Author: Gabriel Miller
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 2 servings 1x


This Maple Vanilla Sweet Potato Nice Cream is the perfect whole food plant-based dessert for serving up on those hot summer days.



2 cups sweet potato cubes (cooked and then frozen)

1/2 cup plant-based milk

1 tbs maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tsp cinnamon


  1. Add all of the ingredients into your blender or food processor.
  2. Blend on medium/high speed for 1 to 2 minutes or until the bananas have been blended into a creamy nice cream consistency.

  • Category: nice cream, sweet potato, vegan ice cream, plant based gabriel sweet potato nice cream
  • Method: blending

Keywords: nice cream, sweet potato, vegan ice cream, plant based gabriel sweet potato nice cream

Recipe Video:

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